By now you have heard it a million times. Sites offer you free camsex and then suddenly popup asking you to join to chat or see the rest of the show. That is a fucked way of doing business. It serves no purpose. Why would anybody want to fuck with horny people like that?
I have something different. Sure my claim is the same. I will get you into free ebony live cams without having to login or buy time. Where I am different is I won’t send you to sites that use those bait and switch tricks. You will get to talk like with chat models that are masturbating in free shows!
Why would I do this? Because like you I got tired of surfing through the bullshit marketing schemes different webmasters use to try and get people to go to their pay cam sites. My site was created to make your life easier instead of a living hell.
I look at I this way. Sure I could send you to ebony cams or Ruscams and have the site be bullshit, but then you wouldn’t join it anyway. You’d probably make it a point no to join because you would think I was an asshole for doing that to you. Instead I send you to sites that only ask for tips. Either you tip the free Ruscams girls or you don’t. Either way everybody wins.